
Friday, March 19, 2021

Break the Curse

 "I am not good with words."

A sentence that has been on my mind for quite a while, like an unbreakable curse. I have been casting that spell to my self since long time ago. I could not remember what made me to do so. But I guess it was part of my pessimistic side. And now, since I am getting tired of being so pessimistic, I will break the curse. (finger crossed)

When some people asked me "How can you be so positive and optimistic most of the time?" I felt like a hypocrite myself since I am not as positive and optimistic as many people see. To be frankly honest, I pretended to do so most of the time. I tried but mostly I forced myself. It was part of my defense mechanism to not be seen as a weakling. Because I hated inferiority. 

Honestly tho, after deep contemplation lately, I believe that I am not supposed to feel lesser. No one in this world should feel it either. Everyone has always their own strengths and weaknesses. And having flaws is not something to be ashamed for. Nobody is perfect. The most important thing is how to manage the imperfections to be your power instead.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Berkeliling di Pulau Nusa Lembongan

Nusa Lembongan

Mari kita lanjutkan cerita yang masih tertunda. Kalau sebelumnya saya bercerita tentang petualangan laut di pulau Nusa Lembongan, kali ini saya akan menceritakan tentang kegiatan yang kami lakukan di darat. 


Waktu bermain di laut telah usai dan kami pun dibawa menuju ke darat - Pulau Nusa Lembongan - untuk beristirahat, bersih - bersih dan makan siang. Hanya kurang dari sepuluh menit, kami akhirnya mulai menginjakkan kaki lagi di daratan. Lega rasanya. Kesan pertama saya ketika sampai di pulau itu, lengang. Kedatangan kami hanya disambut oleh hamparan pasir pantai yang cukup luas dengan beberapa bangunan yang terlihat tanpa penghuni. Kami kemudian berjalan mengikuti arahan dari abang tour guide, dan siapa sangka jika kesan pertama saya akan berubah secepat kilat. Ternyata pulau ini cukup ramai. Yang saya temui di bibir pantai hanyalah semacam 'fatamorgana'. 'Don't jump to conclusions too quickly' mungkin saran yang tepat untuk saya. 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Petualangan Laut di Nusa Lembongan

Cerita ini dimulai ketika seorang kawan menawarkan sebuah paket liburan seru, yang didalamnya terdapat aktivitas sea walking - berjalan di dasar laut dengan menggunakan helm kedap air. 
Saya amat suka pantai. Saya juga suka laut. Tetapi, saya sebenarnya tidak suka air. Takut lebih tepatnya. Ada pengalaman - pengalaman tidak menyenangkan dengan air dimasa lalu yang cukup traumatis. Iya! Saya sengaja sebut 'pengalaman - pengalaman', karena tidak cuma sekali.

Jujur! Hari itu saya cukup galau untuk memutuskan "iya" atau "tidak" untuk ikut serta dalam liburan itu. Dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam saya cukup tertarik, terutama dengan aktivitas sea walking. Karena sebelum ada tawaran ini, saya sudah sangat penasaran dengan kegiatan tersebut. Bagaimana tidak? Kita dijanjikan akan dapat mengeksplore keindahan laut tanpa dituntut untuk harus punya diving license atau paling tidak pengalaman menyelam serta skill berenang yang mumpuni.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

First Hello in 2020 :) Reflection - Why do I write?

Wow! It has been a while since I posted my last writing, in which I said that I would update things that have been missed out. It was TWO YEARS AGO! yes! TWO YEARS! But, yeah, AGAIN! Due to many reasons - that I do not dare to use as excuses NOT to write anything -, I could not keep my own words. In two years, I did not (could not) write anything in this blog. I do feel guilty to myself and you (YES YOU!) of course.
Everything happens for a reason
You may be familiar to that quote (or may not? Are you living under the rock?). I am one of the believers who believes that everything does happen for a reason/reasons. That also applies in my case, such as "why is it so important for me to write?" and "why do I fail to keep my words?". For quite some time, I have been asking myself questions :

"What does 'writing' mean to you?"

"Do you like writing?"

"Why do you need to write?"

"Is it important to write?"

"What do you want to achieve from writing?" and so on.

(I know it is quite random, but please bear with me! or not) :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Membuka Lembaran Baru

It has been ages since my last time updating my blogs. I do not have many excuses really, but it was just because my poor time management. Despite some leisure time I have in between my busy life working as an office worker, I was wasting my time doing things that were not critical. Hence, this small page was kind of abandoned. Poor it!

Anyway! I have decided to catch up updating things that I was going to post. I would not promise to cover everything but I am going to write as often as possible. So please anticipate it.


Udah lama banget sejak terakhir kali aku update blog. Sebenarnya nggak ada banyak alasan sih cuma gara - gara nggak pinter bagi waktu. Walaupun ada banyak waktu luang di sela - sela kesibukan jadi pegawai kantoran, aku malah banyak melakukan sesuatu yang nggak begitu penting. Alhasil, blog ini jadi terbengkalai.

Anyway! Aku akan mencoba posting hal - hal yang dulu harusnya udah aku posting tapi nggak jadi. Tapi aku nggak janji sih kalau bakalan bisa posting semuanya. So please anticipate it.


Aneh nggak sih ya posting bilingual begini? Sebenarnya kemarin - kemarin aku posting pakai bahasa Inggris karena aku ingin belajar bahasa Inggris. Kan kata pepatah "practice makes perfect". Jadi dengan sering menulis dengan bahasa Inggris harapannya aku akan terbiasa menggunakan bahasa tersebut. Jadinya, kemampuan bahasa Inggris aku akan meningkat yang mana saat ini aku sudah gunakan sebagai bahasa sehari - hari sejak aku tinggal di Australia.

FYI, sudah setahun lebih aku tinggal di Australia, tepatnya di kota Melbourne. Setelah perjuangan panjang, akhirnya mimpi untuk melanjutkan sekolah pun tercapai. Yes, I am now a student! A full time student lebih tepatnya karena aku sudah tidak bekerja lagi sebagai BASARHUT di KPHL Rinjani Timur. Cerita perjuangan ini mungkin nanti akan aku tulis di postingan - postingan berikutnya.

Sampai jumpa!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Pinqueenz Reunites (Part II)

our recent appearance (2013)
Well, I took too much time to laugh I guess hahaha. In the previous story I took a break at the time when I was going to tell you about our group name, right? And now I’m going to continue the story. 
Yeah that’s right I was going to make our name group as Shephal ++ (If it was really happened, it was such a true disaster hahaha). Why did I want give name to our group as Shephal ++? Let’s turn back the time when Bun and I still using that pet name, BUNTUT. In the first grade of high school, we studied biology and at that time it turned about insect segment. In some various insect species there is a tagma which comprising the head and thorax fused together, as a distinct from abdomen behind called chepalothorax (derived from greek words for head (κεφαλή, kephalé) and thorax (θώραξ, thórax) (Wikipedia, 2015). When we called each other as BUN, most of the people mislead it as BUNDA not BUNTUT. That’s why we decided to change our pet name as SHEPAL (we shorten it as SEP) refers to kephalé on chepalothorax which mean as head. At that time we already realized that we didn’t follow each other as a tail but we inspiring each other as head contain many ideas. I was Sepha and She was Sephi. (Oh GOD I do have no idea why were we so too much (read: Alay) back then -_- *ROTFL then tepokjidat*) 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Pinqueenz Reunites (Part I)

A word which always popping out when I think about Pinqueenz = Friendship. Why did I say so? Pinqueenz is a name of our friendship group. Suddenly I feel embarrassed when I mention that name #LOL (sorry). As the time goes by, that name sounds so … (how to say it? It just makes you rolling and crawling while laughing on the floor :p) am I too much? Hehe . But when I think about the history of that name it was such a long story. 

Well, this story is begun when we were at senior high school. 

when we were high-schooler
Actually we already attended the same school since junior high school but never had a chance to be together. Even we didn’t know each other at first. We always got different class till one of my best friends became classmate in 3rd grade.