
Saturday, December 6, 2014

2nd Time Try Joining Indonesian Institute of Science

Indonesian Institute of Science Center Building 
Talking about what kinds of efforts we have done to achieve something in this world must become endless story. I believe that every person has their own way to make their dreams come true, so do I. And now I would like to tell you my story when I was joining competition to become a part of Indonesian Institute of Science family. Why do I join this competition while I’m still working as staff of BASARHUT (Bakti Sarjana Kehutanan) in Rinjani Timur Forest Management Unit? Then one of my answers is “dream”. Yes! Dream. That’s my dream to become a researcher and scientist. And one of the ways I can make my dream comes true is becoming part of Indonesia Institute of Science. Indonesia Institute of Science is one of Indonesia governmental institution non ministry which runs in science and technology development sector. So in Indonesia Institute of Science comprises with so many sectors and they do many research to develop science and technology based on their sector for better Indonesia. One of Indonesian Institute of Science vision is become one of best research institution in the world.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

2nd Mission : Gili Petagan Expedition

Masih pada inget ceritaku tentang “My First Journey in Lombok Island”? Di cerita itu aku menceritakan tentang tugas pertamaku sebagai seorang BASARHUT. Dan sekarang aku akan melanjutkan ceritaku tentang misi keduaku sebagai seorang BASARHUT di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (KPHL) Rinjani Timur. Sekitar satu minggu setelah misi pertama, kami mendapatkan misi kedua untuk melakukan monitoring dan evaluasi hasil rehabilitasi hutan pantai di salah satu area kerja KPHL Rinjani Timur yaitu di Gili Petagan.

Do you still remember my story about My First Journey in Lombok Island? In that story, I wrote about my first job as BASARHUT. And now I will continue my story about my 2nd mission as a BASARHUT in Rinjani Timur Forest Management Unit. About a week after our first job as BASARHUT, we got our second mission which was doing monitoring and evaluation of beach reforestation plants in one of our forest management unit area in Gili Petagan. 

a part of Gili Petagan

23 Maret 2014

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Menyisir Pantai Barat Lombok

31 Maret 2014

Setelah kami puas menikmati suasana Bali di Pulau 1000 Masjid seperti di cerita sebelumnya (di sini), keesokan harinya kami memutuskan untuk melanjutkan petualangan kami untuk menyisir pantai – pantai di bagian Barat Pulau Lombok. Meski badan rasanya seperti remuk redam karena sepertinya sudah cukup lama kami tidak berolahraga sehingga mungkin badan kami kaget ketika diajak berjalan berkilo – kilo (padahal kami ini rimbawan yang konon sering keluar masuk hutan) tidak mengurungkan niat kami untuk menikmati keindahan alam pulau ini di pagi – pagi buta. Akan tetapi sayangnya kami salah strategi. Sebenarnya kami berencana untuk menyusuri pantai – pantai di bagian barat pulau Lombok pada sore hari setelah menonton ogoh – ogoh, tapi apa daya tubuh kami saat itu tidak mau diajak kompromi. Akhirnya kami memutuskan untuk berjalan – jalan keesokan harinya di pagi – pagi buta niatnya supaya tidak terpanggang di bawah terik matahari.

FYI pantai – pantai itu terletak di sebelah Barat pulau Lombok. Kalian tahu kan kalau Matahari itu terbit dari timur dan tenggelam di sebelah barat, jadi kami tidak mendapat pemandangan sunrise yang sempurna pagi itu.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

BASARHUT (Bakti Sarjana Kehutanan) 2014

Sebenarnya ni postingan udah lamaaaaaaaa banget mau diposting, tapi emang ya godaan setan itu lebih kuat ketimbang bisikan malaikat. Udah niat mau istiqomah ngupdate blog tiap hari tapi ya emang dasarnya si satu itu penyakit M (baca : Malas) jadi batu penghalang. yah gitu deh banyaaak banget alesannya mulai nggak ada internet lah, laptop mati lah, apa lah macem - macem. Dari jaman dahulu kala sampe beberapa saat sebelum ini postingan ini masih tersimpan rapi di draft. Setelah nggak tahan lagi liat tulisan "draft" yang ada di daftar postingan aku terusin lagi dah tulisan yang membahas tentang BASARHUT.

Kalau ada yang baca postingan - postinganku sebelumnya pasti aku banyak menyebutkan kalau aku ini sedang bertugas sebagai tenaga BASARHUT. Pasti banyak yang bertanya - tanya apa sih sebenarnya BASARHUT itu. Nah kali ini akan aku paparkan secara singkat tentang BASARHUT. Oke langsung aja ...

BASARHUT Angkatan I bersama Pak Menteri Kehutanan Zulkifli Hasan (aku yang mana hayo?)
What is Basarhut? Makanan dari apa sih itu? #salahfokus -_-

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Nuansa 'Bali' di Pulau Seribu Masjid

Inspired by Cury yang kemaren baru aja berpetualang ke Lombok dan sudah menelurkan beberapa  tulisan tentang pengalamannya di Lombok, sedangkan aku yang udah stay di Lombok hampir 8 bulan baru menuliskan 2 dari banyak ide dan pengalaman yang aku dapat selama di Lombok! (Berasa ditabok pake sandal swallow!), so that I wrote this story hahaha.
Salah satu Pura di Mataram, Lombok
Ceritanya ...

1 hari menjelang hari raya Nyepi, di kota Mataram terdapat suatu tradisi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat pemeluk agama hindu di pulau Lombok ini untuk mengadakan pawai ogoh – ogoh. Ogoh – ogoh merupakan suatu karya seni semacam patung tapi terbuat dari kertas atau kardus atau apalah itu yang menggambarkan kepribadian seorang “bhuta kala” yang kata om Wikipedia dalam ajaran hindu sosok ini menggambarkan kekuatan alam semesta yang tak terbantahkan. Sosok ini biasanya digambarkan sebagai sosok yang besar dan menakutkan semacam raksasa.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Menyapa Senja di Pantai ‘Tetangga’

22 05 2014

“Eh ke pantai yuk! Lagi galau ni.”, ucap salah satu teman.

Tanpa basa basi kami langsung mengiyakan. Sore itu kami pun memutuskan untuk mengunjungi pantai tetangga yang ternyata jaraknya cukup dekat dengan tempat kami tinggal sekarang di Pulau Lombok. Di pulau Lombok ini kami yang berstatus sebagai sarjana kehutanan sedang tergabung dalam program dari kementerian kehutanan yang disebut BASARHUT (Bakti Sarjana Kehutanan) untuk melakukan pengabdian kami sebagai seorang rimbawan selama 2 tahun. Kami ditempatkan di pulau Lombok bagian Timur tepatnya di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan (KPH) Rinjani Timur. Dalam kesehariannya kami tinggal di kota Selong yang merupakan ibukota dari Kabupaten Lombok Timur tetapi wilayah kerja kami cukup luas meliputi hutan – hutan yang ada di Lombok bagian Timur ini termasuk juga hutan di Lombok bagian selatan.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Part VII. Indonesia I'm Coming :D !!! -ending-

Our way to Domodedovo International Airport

Finally our plane took off!!! From Domodedovo International Airport to Dubai International Airport and we stayed at Dubai for some hour then we flew again from Dubai International Airport to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Arrived in Indonesia our journey still continued. Because Indonesia is so wide and Soekarno – Hatta International Airport located in our capital city, Jakarta, while we live in Yogyakarta which has about 600 km we must fly again from Soekarno – Hatta International Airport to Adi Sucipto International Airport. (Complicated right?)

Selca in our way to Domodedovo International Airport 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Part VI. If I Could Stay Longer (Last minutes in Russia)

My Japanese friends airplane
 Our 3rd day was our last official day. I mean in this day all of the main schedule we had for IJFC (International Junior Forest Contest) had been over. The rest day was our free time till our flight schedule calling. Some of my friends had been ready to go home due to their flight schedule. As the proverb said “There’s a meeting there’s a separation”, although it was sad we must say good bye each other. But it doesn’t mean we can’t meet each other, we all say goodbye to meet again in better situation and better condition. Someday! It must! Haha

Farewell with My Chinese friend :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Part V. Finally (Walk Around Moscow City)

Matrioska - traditional doll from Russia

In our 3rd day we had a chance to walk around Moscow city. At first we had a free time from the morning till noon. At that time my PIC, lecturer, I, and some friends decided to go to market. We want to buy some gift for families and friends in our own country, indeed. We walked from the hotel to the market. Fortunately the market was near with the hotel it only took about 10 minutes. Before it we went to money changer to change our dollars to rubel because most of the shop in the market didn't accept payment using dollars.

one of the pictures that taken before we went to market (where was I?)
After that without any platitude we went to the market. Arrived in the market we went separately because we had different object to buy. Even though we went separately but we made such agreement to meet up at the market gate after we finished our shopping.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Part IV. Happy but Dag Dig Dug (Full of Surprises) [Arrived in Russia] 2

Well let me continue my story in Russia

As I said before in my previous story I got such cool experience in my very first journey abroad such as got medal and appreciation certificates in my first day in Russia, met so many people from many countries, got to know unique costumes and tradition from many countries, etc. It was awesome!!!

medals and appreciation certificate that given to us :)

In the day 2, it was our (my PIC and I) turn to do the presentation. (Ehm I’ll tell you my lil’ secret) Actually I have such terrible stage-frightened. I do hate speaking/orating/talking in front of many people. That’s my weakness :'( but no matter what I must do that presentation. Indeed. That’s our main reason why we fly so far away crossing the hundreds kilometers sea and land from Indonesia to Russia.

In some hours before the presentation I was going back and forth to the toilet for many times due to my nervousness. I had a cold-sweat too. It was so terrible. Even when I have to do presentation in front of the class when I was school I always do the same, in this case I have to do presentation in foreign-language in front of many international people. Can you imagine how nervous I am??? It felt I was going to give in. I might cry. But the time keeps passing and our turn had come! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Part IV. Happy but Dag Dig Dug (Full of Surprises) [Arrived in Russia]

Fine! Before I forget what I want to tell you guys I’ll continue my story about my very first time going abroad “Russia”. It’s been 3 years ago actually. Because a couple days ago I heard such bad news about Malaysia Airlines which got shot by Russian guided missile then made me remember I had ever gone to Russia. Anyway I’m truly sorry to hear the news, especially for Indonesian who also became victim. I said my condolences. :(

8th International Junior Forest Contest
If I’m not mistaken in 13th September 2014 I arrived in Domodedovo International Airport. We were welcomed by the light rain. The interesting part when we (my lecture, my friend, and I) got there we almost fell into the trouble because of the suitcases. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

My First Journey In Lombok Island

It's been a long time I didn't update this blog. As a warming up this is my little story about my First Journey in Lombok Island. Check This Out ;) 

P.S. Since I'm still learning to write in English please understand if there are many mistake I've made in this written :) I'd be so glad if you can give me some review . Thanks 

This is my story about my first journey in Lombok Island. Since March 2014 I've got a job as a forester in this Lovely Island through Indonesia Ministry of Forestry program called BASARHUT (Bakti Sarjana Kehutanan) for 2 years. This program aims to advancing forest development in basic level, advancing quality of forest development and guidance in basic level, and also producing professional forester. In order to achieve the aims, Indonesia Ministry of forestry gathers about 120 forestry’s bachelor to run the program. And I’m become the part of it.

BASARHUT Gen.I with State Officials of Indonesia Ministry of Forestry